Group Management Principle/Management Vision
Group Management Principle
The Group's management philosophy consists of the Management Principle, which sets out the universal values of management and the Group's purpose in society, and the Action Guidelines, which sets out the principles of conduct for top management and each employee to realize the Management Principle , as well as their commitments to the Group's stakeholders.
The Group's social responsibility is to develop sustainably together with society engaging in our daily operations in accordance with the Action Guidelines set out here and by realizing its Management Principle.
Management Principle
The Odakyu Group’s management principle encapsulates our roles and responsibilities toward society through our businesses as well as our purpose as a corporate citizen in society.
The Group is committed to being a good partner with our customers, helping them make their precious time more comfortable and pleasant by creating and providing them with “irreplaceable times” that contribute to “rich and comfortable lifestyles.”
Action Guidelines
Our action guidelines are principles we follow while engaging in our daily operations. Our mission is to realize our management principle through each employee carrying out their operations sincerely, according to these action guidelines, and to sustainably develop together with society. These three guiding principles are essential factors for creating the Odakyu brand that will be chosen by customers