Multipurpose Restrooms
In order to make our restroom facilities accommodating for passengers using a wheelchair or an ostomy pouch and those with small children, we are expanding our multipurpose restrooms. Currently, restrooms at all 70 of our train stations are equipped to accommodate passengers with wheelchairs and ostomy pouches.
Service Assistants
In order to appropriately assist passengers with physical disabilities, elderly passengers, those with walkers or wheelchairs, and others, we have stationed staff members who have earned a Service Assistant (sabisu kaijoshi) certification after acquiring the proper knowledge and technical skills.
Guidance Chimes and Tactile Information Boards
In order to make station use easier for the blind, all of our ticket vending machines are equipped with Braille, and tactile information boards providing information about the location of ticket gates and ticket vending machines are available at all stations. We have also installed tactile walking surface indicators and guidance chimes that make a sound at the ticket gates.
Also, we are working on adding bird chirping noises for guidance to the stairs leading from the platform to the exit.
Text Communication Devices
Devices to enable deaf people and the hard-of-hearing to communicate are installed at the ticket gates of all stations.
Baby Facilities
Devices to make it easy to change baby diapers are installed.
Train Information Displays
Wheelchair Space
Wheelchair space is provided on the following commuter and limited express trains.
Commuter trains: 4000, 3000 and 2000 series, some of the 1000 series and modified 8000 series
Limited express trains: 70000 series GSE, 60000 series MSE and 30000 series EXE
Emergency Communication Devices
All cars are provided with communication devices to notify the train crew of an emergency such as a severe medical problem while the train is in operation. Non-emergency intercom devices are also provided on cars on the following commuter.
Commuter trains: 4000, 3000 and 2000 series, some of the 1000 series, and modified 8000 series
Limited express trains: 70000 series GSE, 60000 series MSE and 30000 series EXE
In-car Displays
LED and LCD display devices are installed above the car doors on commuter and limited express trains to make information such as stations where the train stops easier to understand through writing.